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Showing posts from July, 2022
"Fate is nothing more than a person's outlook on life."   "No matter where I lived, my life would be the same. I'd be living the same mundane life and no one would be interested in me. I felt like if I lived like this for too long, I'd shrivel up and die. That's why I invented you. You, who I'll meet someday. To you at least I wouldn't be that ordinary, right?"   "I'm not unhappy but I'm not happy either."    "Try having a kid. You'll feel full without eating. Every day will be amazing. You'll be invincible. No one can beat you. No one can beat parents."    "I think I feel a compulsion to live a productive day, but there's not much to show for it. I'm just constantly looking at my watch and being chased by time. As soon as I realised I've been living like that my whole life, weirdly, my heart suddenly started to pound."    "Do not give advice. Do not try to comfort. Those are the ...
"But books were different. They had lots of blanks. Blanks between words and even between lines. I could squeeze myself in there and sit, or walk, or scribble down my thoughts. It didn't matter if I had no idea what the words meant." "But books are quiet. They remain dead silent until somebody flips open a page. Only then do they spill out their stories, calmly and thoroughly, just enough at a time for me to handle." "What does love mean?" "To discover beauty." "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to judge you, I just wanted to know your purpose. Your purpose for running." Dora let out a sigh. "To me, that's like being asked, Why do you live? Do you live for any purpose? Let's be honest, we just live because we're alive." "Maybe understanding a language is like understanding the expressions and emotions of other people." "Old books seem all right, though. They have a richer scent that's more a...